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beer: stella
liquor: vodka, anything but stoli
wine: none
drugs: used to love the blow til i blew a gasket

how could you not like stoli if you like vodka you weirdo!
stoli is too peppery for me. i like grey goose or windemere.
grey goose isn't bad, stoli is one of the purest vodkas though. Absolut & Gordon are awful vodkas yet still popular.
absolut and gordon are worse than sterno.
i forgot to put stella on my list.
Absolut is what they serve the american trash at the russian restaurants, for the suckers who don't know better and they all think its the authentic mccoy from the motherland, awful.
guys all vodka tastes the same no matter how much you think otherwise
You can have the absolut then.
that's ok
wyborowa > vox > turi > stoli gold > level > ketel one
Im with Sleeper on this one.

Ive drank Grey Goose, Stoli, Absolut, Kettle One.....
can't taste a difference in either of them.
Vodka reminds me of the time I threw up for three days straight after drinking 3/4 of a fifth in an hour. Can't touch it anymore
Jack drinks fifths as well.
The two guys I was drinking with left me passed out on the sidewalk behind a bush
I had a situation with vodka my freshman year in college. I don't know how much I drank, but it was more than half of a handle of vodka in a few hours.

I was puking and bedridden for two days. Missed hockey tryouts, and now I can't even smell vodka without gagging.
Beer:Yuengling or Stella
Alcohol : Good Vodka (Grey Goose, Ketel One or Polish Vodka made from potatoes)
Wine: red: Cabernet Sauvignon, white : Chardonnay or green: vinho verde
Drugs: not for the past, pot and vicodin, neither one I would touch now.
Beer: Guiness/Bass really anything not Lite
Liquor: Whiskey, Tequilla, Jager, Rum
Wine: Just getting into wine haven't really picked a favorite color or grape
Drug: Never done em.

Quote:The poor mans beverage of choice.
Except those poor folks who drink Natty and or Cobra
guinness has lthe same amount of alcohol as a lite beer.
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