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was he a white homeless person or a black bum?

Edited By 2 tired 2 give N F on 1128574306
he was a spic so he was right at home
We always hung out with someone that could get alcohol, it worked out well.
Beer: Honey Brown/Labatts/Newcastle/Miller/St. Pauli Girl/Spaten/whatever's on sale
Liquor: Jack & Coke and occasional rum and coke. I can't handle anything else anymore
Wine: White. I think the brand is Berenger. Whatever it is, it's $5-$8 a bottle
Drug: Marijuana
thats always good too but I didnt really wanna hang out with any lame old guys looking to recapture their lost youth, so it was easier to pay a homeless guy an extra 5 bucks to get us a bottle.
i've never claimed to be anything other than white trash.
Bloody Anus Wrote:Beer: Honey Brown/Labatts/Newcastle/Miller/St. Pauli Girl/Spaten/whatever's on sale
Liquor: Jack & Coke and occasional rum and coke. I can't handle anything else anymore
Wine: White. I think the brand is Berenger. Whatever it is, it's $5-$8 a bottle
Drug: Marijuana

Newcastle is really good. I've been using that when i cook something good and want a beer with it.

Wine: Bogle Winery (cali), Cabernet Sauvignon is pretty inexpensive and very good. Woodbridge for Merlot and White Zin. is cheaper and also pretty good.

Edited By Gooch on 1128597828
crx girl Wrote:i've never claimed to be anything other than white trash.
You tell him honey!
yeah she is from Florida
floridians are white trash?
all white Southerners are to me
I don't remember seeing much white trash in Miami - there were loads of spics though.
any white person that lives near spics is trash.
I guess since I share a wall with George, I'm white trash.
like you can keep track of the 50 million of them that are unregistered, they could be living in your cpu for all you know.
does the same go for mexicans?
by the way stella is like the bud of europe. of course arpi if you drank wine it would probably be beaujolais. and holy shit, i just checked my spelling on that and i got it right.
i actually like bud......coors lite, however, is awful. i can't stand the taste of heineken either.
coors light is terrible. but they're $1 every wednesday + karaoke so yea i drink it.
sometimes when steven drinks he gets violent and i have to hit him in the face with a mop.
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