Full Version: What is your Poison - beer/liquor/wine/other
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and being a message-board traitor!!!

we should do a CDIH night at an Outback. I think I suggested it once, and it kinda died - much like the CDIH camping trip I proposed.
you said you'd take me!!! all special like, just us.
Beer - Belgian ales. Chimay, Orval, Duvel...but I'll drink almost anything if I'm at a party or bar. Though I can't imagine how anyone can drink fucking Coors Light. Shit tastes like piss...

Liquor - Whiskey. Scotch or good aged southern bourbon. I also keep a bottle of Grey Goose around that I tap sometimes...

Wine - I only drink wine with food, so it depends on what I'm eating. I usually avoid European wines because you can get a California just as good at half the price.

Drug - Pot.
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