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Not including the guy chasing you out of the parking lot.
so aside from the freaks who like snowballing, don't chicks just know not to go up & kiss a guy after she's swallowed or spit?
37? Ha!

pfft! as if it was possible to meet 37 different women in the span of a lifetime! pshaw!
Sharing is caring.
The Jays Wrote:37? Ha!

pfft! as if it was possible to meet 37 different women in the span of a lifetime! pshaw!
Are there even 37 women at your college?
drusilla Wrote:so aside from the freaks who like snowballing, don't chicks just know not to go up & kiss a guy after she's swallowed or spit?
some girl know it's gonna gross the guy out, but they do it anyway, counting on the heat of the moment to fool the guy into doing it. Women who do that deserve to get kicked in the crotch and their cloths thrown out the window.
Hawt Baux Wrote:Sharing is caring.
i dunno anyone who wants that
I do, maybe it's time to pack up and leave Jersey.
Hawt Baux Wrote:I do, maybe it's time to pack up and leave Jersey.
we've been telling you that for years
It's finally sinking in.
good girl
Hey baby, let me tell you a story that will turn your Maxi Pad into the Hoover Dam. See it's about me, my cock, and the 47 broads who've sucked it!
getting warmer
oh where to begin. i like giving it as long as it doesn't go to the point of lockjaw. also sucking him off first is condusive to longer fucking. i've never cum from oral myself, i definitely enjoy it though, and i've been trying to use my shower head to train myself with clitoral stimulation, one of these days...

and i kinda really don't mind sucking after fucking or kissing after licking, i guess i like the way i taste.
your entire post is hot hot hot!
I've read hotter.
heartbroken, actually.
I enjoy giving. I def enjoy recieving. If she wants a kiss after she does her thing a simple tatic would be to kiss her way up after she's swallowed or spit. I won't go down after I've nutted inside her but if I pulled out or she finished it off with head then I don't have a problem going down there then. I don't like going down after I've done her with a condom cause it tastes like balloons. Sometimes I give to recieve, sometimes I do it cause I want to, sometimes I do it cause we're doin each other and sometimes I do it on request.

Have any of you guys thought that giving her an orgasm from oral would be a safety net in case you didn't get her from penetration? So you kinda could say in your own mind, "At least I got her off at some point."
Hawt Baux Wrote:Just pay for a slice and hand her a Bon Jovi cassingle, you'll be set.

If all else fails, offer her some coke.
and show her how uber cool you are by paying for her slice with your debit card. Then watch her roll her eyes and scoff as she walks away and sucks some other guys dick who had 2 bucks in his pocket and paid cash like a fuckin man.
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