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you're doing the same thing when you take some bitch you wanna fuck to dinner, or movies, etc. To me its simpler to just cut out all the needless mumbo jumbo and go straight to the finish line, plus you don't have to worry about how you're gonna get them to fuckin leave.

Not that I have any experience with hookers, I heard things and thunk about it.
Or so I've heard.
but i enjoy taking them to dinner and the movies. i would not enjoy paying someone to fuck me unless she was jessica alba.
a hooker cut to look like lana turner is still a hooker

that is lana turner


thats lana turner...

Well we'd have to be talkin' about one charmin' motherfuckin' pig. I mean she'd have to be ten times more charmin' than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm sayin'?
why you switchin movies on me fucker!
pick one & stick to it
cause i dont know the movie you're talking about!!!! (LA Confidential???)
see you knew fucko
im not so familiar with it, id have to go all imdb on your ass.
Stick to the topic!
suck my dick
The only thing about hookers is when you get one that rushes you and stops to ask for more money and puts the pressure on you to come, or so I heard.
Now that's more like it!
so you've heard
I got friends who are into such things and they tell me.
You've been in the backseat of my car...but that's about it.
I have?
Is everything always about you?
pardon me, madam
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