Full Version: What can you get for 25 bucks today?
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You mock them so much you have been blind to the fact you are them now.
GonzoStyle Wrote:You mock them so much you have been blind to the fact you are them now.
newsflash: its really all a big joke to entertain myself/you with. read between the lines cutie pie.
You know you do it mostly for your own sick enjoyment cause you're sadistic like that. not that it's wrong.
hello, exactly!!!
it's not a joke though, its a sick fetish more like.
it makes me giggle
so does cutting the head off a filipino boy to make soup out of it, to certain people. Doesn't make it ha ha funny to everyone else.
I bet filipino boy head soup wouldn't taste very good.
in 2001 I would have been able to answer that.
add some EGGPLANTS & IT'S DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25 bucks buys you a bunch of eggplants.
25 bucks buys you miss bear's website subscription for one month
is that creature still ruining peoples eyesight with her gruesome self?
$25 buys you miss bear.
25 bucks and you can keep her
$25 will get you 1000 shares of OTL stock options
and a OTL VISA card.
It's good to be the king
breakfast at the Westin in Chicago
brunch cost me $250 for mothers day at the fairmont in chicago
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