Full Version: Rainy day reflection on my posting style
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I was reading the board today and thinking about my posts for the last year or so. I have come to realize that what alot of you have been saying is true, that the majority of my posts are mean put downs that add nothing to the thread. I just ignore the point of the thread, pick out one post, and make a nasty comment about it. I have always done this but it didnt used to be my sole "contribution" to the board. I dont know why this has happened. I think some of it may have to do with a drop in my enthusiasm for the board. There was a time when I couldnt wait to get to the site in order to see what was going on. The declining active membership and the paucity of different styles of posting have contributed to my lack of eagerness to try and be creative. Another reason is totally of my own doing. Because I have contributed nothing but negativness I find that is all that I receive in return. I have no one but myself to blame for that issue. i have considered numerous times of no longer maintaining an active role on the board , but this board and all of you have been a small part of my life for too long and I find that I am unwilling to give up on being a part of this group. I am going to try and lessen the negativity that I bring to the board and see if this helps to change my interactions on the board.
Now feel free to mock me at will, it was just something that i thought about today.
Miss Maynard?
he was alot of fun.
here comes the mid-life crisis.
i had that already. buying the jeep solved the issue.
Looks like it's a pretty sweet ride.
oh, it is. it is.
Needs more graphs and talking points
teen angst rrrwaaaar!!!
Faggot shit!
The Jays Wrote:Needs more graphs and talking points
[Image: post-13-58919-graph.JPG]
Hey wait you just said...oh you!
That graph wasn't very nice.
here comes the procreator
As long as we are all reflecting, I love Alkey and would switch teams to give him a rim job.
Well, no shit.
you said a mouthful
I love DIG too but not as much as Alkey who has access to my weiner anytime he sees fit.
lucky him
the confessions thread was some good times, I miss alkey and sleeper...
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