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I love the film and think its great but I am baffled by the insane amount of praise that it gets. It's a very well acted film and a great story and I got nothing bad to say about it but in every poll and top 10 list I see, this film is ranked with the top films of all time and for some its the greatest film ever. It's always discussed in the same category with godfather and films of that nature and while a awesome film I just never saw it as brilliant or worth of any top 10 lists, maybe top 10 of the 90's.
its in my top 3
I hate Tim Robbins more than words can say, but it was a good movie. I wouldn't say that it's a top 10 movie of all time. I still say that Forrest Gump should have won the Oscar in '94
I was thinking that after I made my post, I intensly dislike tim robbins in any movie he is in. Maybe thats what it is but I don't think even that would make it as spectacular as so many people make it. Gump definitely deserved the oscar, for whatever reason theres been a lot of hate on Gump the past couple years which is silly.
Tom Hanks comes through with the Best Actor for a second year!
uh forrest gump did win
droppin knowledge!
unless galt is agreeing with the academy, which makes him a stupid turd anyway since pulp fiction should've won
Ohhh, I forgot about Pulp Fiction. Yes, that should have won.

I was commenting about how Simmons whines about how Shawshank lost to Gump for the Oscar in '94. I was just saying that I agree with the academy...until you mentioned Pulp Fiction.
Shawshank is in my top 10 as well but it gets way too much hype. TNT loves it tho, they play it seemingly every goddamn weekend.
I am Sleeper's lapdog.