Full Version: Trespassing charged in horse-sex case
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1. Not only is it weird that someone had sex with a horse, but that the entire reason the farm to allow for beastiality.
2. There are internet chatroom about beastiality?
3. Not only is it nasty that someone died while having sex with a horse, but that they died not while GIVING sex TO a horse, but while RECEIVING sex FROM a horse
4. There is a video of this guy getting fucked to death by a horse. That rules.
5. That nobody could be charged with animal cruelty because there was no physical evidence that the animal was mistreated; so the worst thing that happens is trespassing.
6. Beastiality isn't illegal in every state?
sometimes it makes you think the terrorists have a point, huh?
while it's not normal I don't see why beastiality should be illegal.
because the law assumes animals are picky racists and wouldn't want to have sex with humans, let alone the type of humans that want to make sex with them in the first place.
Because they can't say yes. Same reason why you can't have sex with children. They don't have the mental capacity to enter into a contract.

Are you trying to sell them a condo?

You're not supposed to have sex with kids because they'll tell on you.
why are you comparing barn yard animals to children? We also don't slaughter children for hamburger meat but not cause they can't enter a contract, it's because that's what animals are for. So cut their throats, kill them, shoot them for sport, display their heads on your wall but oh no, don't fuck them.
*** Silera Posting ***

Every member of PETA should have to take it up the ass from a horse.
Silera is funnier when she logs in as herself.
Best Place On Earth

Edited By HollywoodFreddieMitchell on 1129848635
I'm pretty sure it's ok to do stuff once the animals are dead.
Depending on your definition of 'ok'

no video?
beth illyse 77: see, sometimes a giant penis can kill you
holy crap you saved that conversation about this from a month ago?
aim logs conversations automatically
I actually made it an away message.
ahh, i hadn't seen that one. & i don't log my aim conversations.
so if dig was a horse could he suck your tits then?