Full Version: A green puppy!
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born to a golden retriever...
[Image: post-13-99326-5290557_320X240.jpg]

[Image: post-13-99308-5290556_320X240.jpg]

[Image: post-13-99282-5290552_320X240.jpg]
thats as green as my dog gets when we cut the lawn...
Dont make the puppy angry

You would't like the puppy when it gets angry
The better news is that Andrea Yates is getting a new trial date
The puppy looks gray, not green.
just looks like poor contrast on the video
Is it St. Patty's Day already?

You crazy irish and your food coloring....
What's green and red all over?
My penis?
you fucked a green puppy?
we should skin it and make sleeper a new pair of green pants.