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Just came back from seeing Get Rich Or Die Tryin'. Good times, I reccomend seeing it in a theater full of black people for the utmost effect.

Overall the movie was very lame, very slow in a lot of places and too quick in others. The pacing was very bad in the film, the story was basically pointless. The acting was good and fiddy wasn't bad, overall i'd say 3 1/2 out of 10. Nowhere near as good as 8 mile was, story, acting, etc.
Can you recommend a good negro theater?
I saw 2 negroes in jersey, shoulda asked them.
I want this movie to fail miserably!!!
oh well theres always the Usher movie.
it's movies like this that make me glad I'm white.
fiddy is tearin it up on CNN
people watch CNN still?
yeah non-whites I guess.
fuckin' niggers
Anyone pop some caps at the screen or just other uppity Negroes?
i like how the only 2 movies youve seen in the theatre in this decade are star wars episode 3 and THE 50 CENT MOVIE
I hold out for the classics.
downloading it now, i dont care how bad it is, im still gonna download it.
pirate!!! do you not watch the preview before the movie that says pirating movies is bad, very bad!
GonzoStyle Wrote:pirate!!! do you not watch the preview before the movie that says pirating movies is bad, very bad!
no i never saw that. know why? because there are no commercials at the beginning of downloadable movies.
I seen some bad movies in theaters. In fact, most of the movies I seen in theaters suck ass. This one girl I took out wanted to go see Resident Evil 2. I heard 1 was bad enough, but this girl badly wanted to see the future misadventures in Raccoon City. That fucking cunt, that movie sucked so much ass, I could start to feel it sucking my ass, as if the movie itself was trying to suck my ass.

Then I saw Fever Pitch. Man, I hate the Red Sox, but that movie was like sugary, Red Sox syrup being poured all over Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore, such whores those Red Sox were. Blech!

I'm not seeing anymore movies in theaters, because it costs me like 20 bucks just to have a movie experience for myself.
the last movie i went to see was the wedding crashers. good times.