Full Version: I got called for jury duty today.
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did you get a full continental breakfast?
I live in brooklyn not conneticut dude.
not even a muffin?
Not even a spork.
those heartless bastards
I did get my 40 bucks a day jury pay, I had Wendy's for lunch.
wendys is good. spicy chicken rocks.
somebody better bring me a wendy's fucking spicy chicken sandwich soon or there's gonna be carnage :angry: :disappointed:
Ha ha.
im gonna go to wendys before work today.
I'm gonna go right now. A spicy chix sandwich sounds good.
i think im gonna get one of those sandwiches also. i like the chili too.
i could go for a pita. oh, wait, nevermind, they dont sell them anymore. dammit
Mmmmmmmmmm.... Baked potato with brocolli and cheese...
a nice large chocolate frosty, oh yea
i hate you all. but, you can make it up to me if you pick up some nuggets w/ honey mustard to go with that chicken sandwich... :confused:
:disappointed: :crackhead: :disappointed:
Hee hee.
danked is a meanie, spread the word
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