Full Version: Nt/2000 admins needed - Possible job posting
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okay folks. Here's the deal. Are there any qualified NT/2000 Server admins. The rathole I work is looking for a qualified person to run a few servers, act like a help desk, do some serious documentation on the technical infrastructure. The pay aint half bad.

FAQ's that may come to your mind:
1. Will I have time to post on cdih? NO. Seriously. This is a no shit position.

2. Will I have to work for Teh Grumpy? No, but you will be working WITH Teh Grumpy.

3. How's the pay? A lot better than what you're making now.

4. Where is the job? Upper manhattan. Just north of Harlem. Minutes from the GWB.

5. What part does Teh Grumpy have in this job? I've been asked to look for the preliminary candidates for this position. I don't get anything out of the deal. Since we are somewhat of a disfunctional family, I thought I let you tools in on it.

If you're seriously qualified or want to know more about it, let me know.

Email: [email protected] (sorry sean. It's the only email I can use without being stalked by these retards.)
AIM: MeanieMidget
Smoke Signals: Blow it up maymay's ass. I cant read them.

or post your interest here and I'll get back to you.
Sorry grump...i work at a help desk now dealing with that crap. but if you offer some hailess boys

ill jump ship
Im kinda interested. I've worked with NT a little bit and i gladly do help desk stuff. I wont be availible until May 7th though. i get out of school for the year.
Quote:1. Will I have time to post on cdih? NO. Seriously. This is a no shit position.

Reason #1 why Teh Grumpy wouldn't take this position himself....that and he can't reach the servers.