This vote is for most improved poster of the year. This is the person you feel really stepped up his/her posting over the course of this year.
a (*) next to a persons name means they were a unanimous choice for nomination.
Why am I not on this list ?
oh snap, george didnt vote for his bestest buddy.
I feel my posting has been on the rise since last year.
Well then you have nowhere higher to go so maybe next year you can hope for worst poster.
i improved this year? i thought i sucked as much as i usually do
i think its just that the whole board is slowly being watered down and shit, so its left to a small number of people who are borderline crappy, and they have to find 5 of us to nominate
thus, i improve by default, kinda
I actually honestly do think your posting was much better this year mister modesty.
I guess since I was neither worst nor most improved that I'm average.
you are adequate. be satisfied.
I am not above voting for myself.
Thank You & Good Day.
I might show a nipple if you vote for me.
I'll pinch her nipple if you vote for me...
I'd have sex with Maria before her sex change operation if you vote for me