Full Version: The looming transit strike
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it makes so much sense that bus drivers should make double what cops make. and going on strike will be great, it's only the people who work check to check and have no "contingancy" money who will suffer. perfect
haha waitress!
i'm going to bed
strike moved to Tuesday.
strikes like these always move...its not even a question anymore
crx girl Wrote:it makes so much sense that bus drivers should make double what cops make. and going on strike will be great, it's only the people who work check to check and have no "contingancy" money who will suffer. perfect

lush only cares cause her mom brives a dus and you only care cause a fake cop sticks his penis inside you.

If teachers were paid better and had better resources then these dumb kids they're churning out wouldn't have to resort to hack jobs like being a cop or driving a bus and might be able to get real jobs.
Triboro and Jamaica lines are on strike.
good morning, new york! haha!
brive the dus!
hommina hommina... dus a drive!
so it looks like this shing ding is really going to happen
big deal!
looming is a fun word
Anyone have $100,000 bucks that I can borrow?
yeah cause this nuisance will last more than a day, 2 tops!
lush Wrote:Anyone have $100,000 bucks that I can borrow?

borrow no... earn :wink: yes.

I miss rerun, RIP.
i just realized this does affect me...i need to take the train home friday, and i'm far too lazy to carry my bags from grand central to penn, and too cheap for a cab
I had to listen to this strike shit on the news + George bush try to pretend he didn't do what Richard Nixon did.
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