I'm not sure but if I did as bad as I think I did on that last final, I'll be getting DAS BOOT and it won't be the special collectors edition.
Computer Science
If I get the boot it'll only be till next fall, and if I come back then I'll be on a very very short leash.
What the hell are you fucking up with? It's not like your a raging junkie or sex addict. Don't fret though, the world needs ditch diggers too.
less posting/more studying.
problem solved.
Let's throw him in the cell until he picks up his grades.
I thought he was supposed to be banned?
Hey now let's not get too crazy.
i think i just passed my physics class! 2nd times a charm
maybe if you concentrated on your posting as much you wouldn't be such a pathetic has been.
leave off the last S for Suck.