Full Version: bye bye patriot act
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members of the senate were able to filibuster a proposal to extend parts of the patriot act past this year. good to see some members of the senate still care about civil rights on some level

the parts that will expire barring any deal made sometime soon are listed here
so its only bye bye to parts of the patriot act. your thread title is misleading and incorrect. you are a fucking fraud!
I bet joobies doesn't even exist!
i saw her myspace page. her resemblence to ashley judd was overstated.
A photoshopped picture of Ashley Judd no doubt!
i don't think i ever said she looked like ashley judd, i think other people did
yeah, joobies is actually a stuffed panda
hedcold has a plushie fetish
hedcold's entire existence is a tissue of lies!!
oh no, the jig is up!
filthy liar!
Does this mean that I can now make death threats against people without being labeled a terrorist?
thread killer!
questions anyone?
i have one. why is jack allowed to post? he is awful. you should restrict him to manipulating code.
cause we're all using his furniture & fixtures, and he's better than you are now.