Full Version: i am a sales god
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Pages: 1 2
I knew a guy who sold HEROIN!
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That was completely unrelated and stupid. You thought you really nailed that one didn't you?
You tell him daddy!!!
GonzoStyle Wrote:zig ziglar, is the only true sales teacher, everyone else is a phoney.

Have 4 of his salestapes. The stories he tells and his techniques on sell are amazing.
you put metal siding on sidewalks...
a fucking kook. figures

Quote:And Ziglar’s works reflect the beliefs of a born-again Southern Baptist who frequently chats with God.
i've gone...and done it...again
Another caddy?
You kids and your supposed "sales" skills are so cute.

Peddling software to bankers and houses to guidos and jews on the Islands.

What do you produce, besides more herpes victims?
Pages: 1 2