Full Version: a project for you all
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It's the envy of what we have, jealous bitches.
i haven't even tried to get into the moderator control panel since the switch
plus his self hatred at being such a liar.
It's gremlins!!
if this keeps up that sexilicious thread will be gone like the other ones
we would be able to add to the statuses (instead of replacing them) if jack would get on that mod!!!!

I might be able to add to this project, I'll keep you posted.
still available:

Ikea boy
Arthur Dent
hey ladi
ants in my pants
lyrical gomez


snuka- Gonzo
keyser tried to add one time, please don't.
also, if anyone is in contact with someone who used to post here but doesnt anymore i would appreciate if you would let me know.
I'm still in contact with a few of those people...
i have pm'ed you
I have responded.
now pick someone from the list
here's my project thinger, I swear I tried to keep it to 3 paragraphs. You can edit it and maybe someone would like to add something.

Quote:It was late 2001 and by that time had turned into one constant bickering fued between it's members. It was a seemless and endless cycle of events under the guise of some "new" drama. Things would be great for a few months, then someone would disagree and it would sometimes go unoticed and other times it would swirl into a mini-revolt. When these things happened, a core group of members would go off to find some little "haven" to get away from all the drama on the board.

After the "Bang Party" incident in september of 2000, when got bombarded with "newbies" and became one huge cluster fuck, that haven was, a little known O&A message board at the time, with maybe 3 or 4 active members. Other members had tried to create other boards and message groups on yahoo even. CrybabyHowie who after some drama decided to leave and started a message board of his own, that fizzled out after a few months. Italian Princess had also created a yahoo group for some of the members, and the cycle went on and on, we all eventually would go back to Though.

Then when it just seemed like we were fighting a losing battle in keeping the board we all remembered it as and when its owner Froy seemed to lose all interest, thats when the seeds for CDIH started to come around.

Froy was too busy with his Over The Limit website, the board was just not as fun as it once was and too many people were holding on to the past, whatever the reason was for some or others, many began to post less and less till some stopped all together.

Seancold a prominent member and at the time very good friend of mine, was at wits end with as well as it's owner "Froy". The original idea for was that it would be a site to mock froy and his new web portal "Overthelimit". The site would be a message board called "" It would have basically most of the features of "OTL" but naturally it would be a satire.

After some discussion we came to the notion of why make a satire board, dedicated to one person and why not make an off shoot message board for all the members who were no longer as enthused with but still wanted a place to call home. From there was born.

The main thing we wanted was to have a message board that was run by it's members and not just by one person, so we agreed on the fact that there would be no banning of members, no editing or deleting of posts or threads and that the members would have a say in things, like voting on mods, etc. I am happy to also add that none of those rules or promises have been broken in the almost 4 years of our existense.

We officially launched the first version of in December of 2001 but were quickly shut down by our hosting company because of the content of our members, mainly the "short bus" crew. The short bus crew consisted of several members such as JimmySnuka, CrybabyHowie, TFEC, Grumpy and some others, their stories and pictures were considered as childish and rude by our host company and they shut us down within a week.

The 2nd version was launched then soon after on another hosting site and that one lasted less than 2 weeks, the reason for our termination from this host was "because you all act like a bunch of children who just learned the word 'fuck'". So finally Sean came up with a strange yet brilliant idea, why not use a hosting company which a beastiality site would use? Well for 3+ years that host served us up until our recent switch, mainly due to monetary reasons, as well as the fact that our board software "Ikonboard" had recently went out of business forcing us to switch to a PHP board software.

Our membership at first exploded, with dozens upon dozens of former members switching over to the new "haven". We have had many cycles and at times it felt like the end was coming but then it picked up and it has gone on this way for 4 years now. The site which many said was a fad that wouldn't last a month is still going, maybe not as strong but the same 12 assholes are still around.

Unfortunately for many reasons, some personal and some just because he lost interest, Seancold decided to leave in October of 2002, after less than a year from our launch. He had begun to feel that we were turning into the very thing we had run away from and mainly he had just lost interest and started to become angry with the current members and the mods. He had wanted to just shut down the board and the site but I felt it would be unfair to all the members who had put their trust and faith in us to provide them a trully free forum to voice their opinions and keep in touch with all the people they had made bonds with, after some negotiation we had decided to part ways and I would continue running CDIH on my own. The board was already in my name, as well as the host so the transition was not a big deal, althoughit was sad to see the man whose dream this site was, just give up on it and it's members. But we parted amicably and Sean has not been heard from in a very long time. But that is just the cycle of things, many other spin-offs have come and gone but CDIH is the one that has always stuck around no matter how many times people wanted to declare its death.

So we are now on the 4th incarnation, software and host wise but we always have been and always will be one of the few trully "free" message boards which is in our tight knit circle. Some of us may enjoy other O&A or R&F boards, but CDIH has always been "for the members, by the members". We have never told people what to discuss, we have never banned or edited anyone for saying whatever they felt, and we have never been about any one thing and we will continue this way until there is no one left.
Quote: like voting on mods
if i remember correctly, jays was not a mod until a week ago...and i remember no such vote

not that i care or anything. jays is a good guy, probably would have won a vote...but still YOU ARE A LIEING BASTARD WHO BETRAYED THE REASONS FOR THE BIRTH OF THE BOARD
with a little reworking to fit the theme of the entry, this will work perfectly. thank you so much for producing this well thought out and insightful detailing of the birth of our board.
I shed a tear or two while strolling down memory lane, especially how you were one of the main reasons sean left.
i can only hope the member descriptions i asked for are dealt with in an equally intelligent manner.

cmon people, step up and pick a name.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I shed a tear or two while strolling down memory lane, especially how you were one of the main reasons sean left.

explain this please.
I wasn't joking when I said that the majority of people left because of you, they hated you.

I think I explain it better in my bio for seph

Quote:Like many others he slowly began to move away from our kind of humor and had his ideal view on what a message board should be like. While everyones ideal is a "free" board, in the end most people can not take the stress that goes with not banning, editing, or deleting people and posts. That means you have to not only put up with the things you enjoy but also tolerate the things and especially people you do not enjoy and that's the main reason why many left, they didn't have the patience to actually deal with what they all had been asking for and thats a free forum where everyone had the right to say what they wished.

No matter how many times I was asked to ban or delete you, I never would or will stray away from the rules we made when we first started this place, it's for everyone and anyone.

Also you may wanna add the fact that while we originally were a haven and for everyone we still were an exclusive board. Meaning everyone had to be vouched for by a mod or member before they would be approved for membership, it was basically invite only.

Though naturally we have long since strayed from that and there is no more validation on memberships.
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