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yeah basically that was one of the reasons I guess why she left but she had mainly given up on the forum and had only used it as a dear diary type thing to talk about her depression.

I kinda felt bad about it but it seemed like a waste of a forum.

As far as early stuff, she was a member pre-bang party and was like everyones kid sister basically, she was angel amy.

I dunno what else you may need but let me know.
+ loves teh crack
the drug or the guy?
both...along with the zooty and of course the danillo
oh man, danillo was the worst... well atleast the worst of the ones known publically.

Zooty, she never fucked him tho... if she did then her standards rose.

anyway, I did all my bios.

I did:

and of course the beginings of CDIH thingy.

I will think of others I wanna do later on, probably Goat will be next and Afrika.
ooohhh I'm an admin, I never double post!
that's right hack!
that's right hack!
you talkin to me?
didn't think so!
you gettin loud with me, fucko?
feelin froggy motherfucker?

Go play a shoutcast that for 14 hours that zero people will listen to, fuckin has been!
fuck, that hurt.
i dont think she ever fucked zooty...i just know she wanted to. bad.
the truth does, now go write a bio about people whose lives are infinitaly more interesting than yours.
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