Full Version: A question for those who support Bush
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Nope, just the race war to kick off and then it's shooting time.
i'm used to being called names.
i know that since i don't hate bush to the point in which i lose grip on reality that i'm labeled a mind numbed robot who sits inches away from the television & watches fox news. big deal.

in my opinion, the government is looking out for the governments best interest. and in this case, the governments best interest is to target terrorist activities in this country and prevent another 911 from happening. just so happens that this is also in our best interest.
now this thread is officially fox news.

two extremist crackpots battling it out using talking points.

The only proper function of the government is to protect and defend our rights, borders and set tariff's. Maybe a couple of more items (not to be too simplistic) but nothing about starting and maintaining WWIII forever, while abusing it's own citizens' 'rights'.
"government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

- Ronald Reagan
p.s. a decade of u.n. resolutions is not a rush to war. in fact, a decade of u.n. resolutions is appeasment and shows a lack of character.

you can stay scared of your own shadow if you like.
you've been hannitized
Now hannity, i like.
rush and o'rielly suck. they're in the buisiness of self promotion. but sean hannity makes a living out of kicking the shit out of a fish faced liberal 5 days a week.

that makes him cooler than bowie.
Hannity is a gutless wonder who had to hire a cadaver as a side kick in order to win a fight,
on top of that, the cadaver was given a restraining order as a condition of employment to keep him from pointing out Hannity's lies more than one time.....
although he repeats them ad infinitum.
hannity is buff & sexy though no matter who you sit next to him. you have to give him that.
Quote:Now hannity, i like.
rush and o'rielly suck. they're in the buisiness of self promotion. but sean hannity makes a living out of kicking the shit out of a fish faced liberal 5 days a week.

that makes him cooler than bowie.

i just laughed harder than I ever have at one of hoon's posts. bravo sir.

i don't care if you are liberal or conservative, if you actually buy into the shit any of those pseudo-political hosts are shoveling down your easily duped, sycophantic throats, welcome to the entertainment machine of political stupidity.

hannity has admitted numerous times he is nothing more than a tool for his party. he doesnt have an original thought in his ruth chris steakhead.

jon stewart is the straightest shooter of all of these clowns.
Hannity is such a shallow mouth piece of the extreme right wing religious nuts. Keep toeing the party line, you fucking hack.
Hoon = Hackey Hackerson
Ken'sPen circa 2003
i notice you didn't comment on alan colmbs, mad.
how non-partisan of you.

keyser & ken have good points. i would hope that everyone knows where folks like hannity AND colmbs are coming from. you know what they're going to say before they say it so there's no sense in getting upset over it. this hatred for fox news is humorus to me. cnn is clearly no different other than they lean to the left but mysteriously they are always lacking in the debate over biased news sources.

you have to pick & choose what's bullshit and what's reasonable from all of them.
Colmes is a retard. What else is there to say about an empty suit?
Colmes is a whore who agreed to be the dog in the dog and pony show.
You're right. clearly they could find a more suitable opponent than colmes but it IS fox news....
just the same as you never see any capable conservative commentators on cnn.

but i still support sean hannity.
i hear he picks out his own ties.
I disagree,
I think Fox is much further to the right than CNN is to the left....
come on, man.
wolf blitzer, andersen cooper, CAFFERTY?
they blatantly load up the guests on the left where as fox at least tries to strike a balance from both sides.

the only difference is that the cnn commentators aren't as outspoken about their leanings. however it doesn't take much to see it.

they both have agendas.
I will repeat,
CNN does not lean as far to the left, as Fox does to the Right.

I won't quibble about the number of commentators and their leanings, I am talking about the amount of unbridled propaganda spin that both stations emit.
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