frank sinatra - summer wind
do it babycakes.
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you are a god, if only you posted as well as you sang, you would be unstoppable.
i tried the carpenters tune and fucked it all up cause i dont really know the music.
what other one would you have me do?
wow! i just listened to one that i did. I am easily the worst singer of all time.
here it is. i warn you, it is easily the worst recorded piece of music on the planet. my computer attempted to kill itself while i was recording.
now feel free to mock at will.
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just listened to it again. ouch!
someone get me a doctor.
not bad at all...a cake-esqe version, good tone, you sing the right notes, you just need to project more.
you need to get yourself checked. your judgement is fucked!
i could have done better with something closer to my range and a little more familiar.
who am i kidding, that was awful!
funny, but awful!
i am going to do another one.
That just changed my life. I wept, so beautiful
i am so happy that i could have such apositive impact through song
that was trully amazing, my heart was all tingly and it made me purrrrrr.
A promise is a promise and you earned it, you may choose the moderator you wish to replace. Keyser sang his diddy so he may stay as well.
i will replace the jays, if you please.
It was like karen carpenter was still alive, it was worth it.
sorry jays.
the joy that i have brought has convinced me to record more songs.
i will heal with my music
Arpikarhu Wrote:the joy that i have brought has convinced me to record more songs.
i will heal with my music
Keep this up and i'll let you play with my scratching post.
i dont want to play with DIG
but he took down, then himself with the heroin.