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anyone watch it last night?
there was a bit about "man cards" that needs to be applied to Keyser.
Scrubs was so 2005
I spent the night posting here so yes I watched scrubs, saw a couple of herbs as well.
who you callin' a scrub, pussy?
you're not a scrubs but definitely a herb.
if anything, a casual herb.
nj, brooklyn, staten island
SI has the largest majority of herb ass faggots, it's really disproportionate.
so you can drive to SI, but you cant type? wtf kinda cat are you?
my typist/translator is also an excellent driver.

Hey look an easy joke set up, all you herbs love those.
i have to agree with the cat. staten island is the most awful in that axis of guido.
staten island makes jersey look good.
we try!
SI is the CDIH of Boroughs.
I often wander aimlessly thru the streets of SI asking if anyone missed me......
If I get ignored for too long, I go back to Jersey.
Don't go back, move in, there's plenty of room now.
Ken, we should do lunch on your next visit.
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