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Goatweed Wrote:iced coffee is for fags.

pinky up!
cats have pinkys?
Yes we do human!!!
I dont see one in your pic - cats are liars!!!
you calling me a liar!!!
if the flea collar fits...
Only nigger cats wear collars.
so you got fleas?
i'm a fag, and my cats have thumbs. no collars though
you're a whore, a dirty dirty whore, now wash yourself!!!

wash I said!!!
qtip got his castration due postcard in the mail yesterday. and i'm about to take a shower. what do you have to say now?
scrub... harder and then beat yourself in the head for naming you cat after a horrible rapper.
i named him for an earcleaning utensil. he looks like it. and i will
well naturally judging by your status naming him floss or toothbrush was out of the question.
cats dont have thumbs!!!
I sense this isn't about thumbs but more your anger that you can't even get laid by a board hooker with bad teeth.
and boom goes goats self esteem.
it was funny the way you took away his dignity like that
like taking cheese from a mouse.
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