Full Version: Hoon is a fucknut, but he's entitled to his wrong opinion
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He thinks he is the greatest poker player in the world. Cries like a bitch everytime he loses with a stone cold bluff to a great hand. Then has the balls to question the player who called him.

I saw him bluff with a 5D 6H, he was called by a nobody who had pr J's and asked the guy why did you call me all you had was Jacks.
Phil is great. Hoon doesn't deserve him in his avatar. Hoon deserves Chris Moneymaker, at best.
or a Dustin Diamond on Celebrity Poker Challenge.
phil gordon is way more annoying then phil helmuth
Phil Helmuth is the king of cards.
He dodges bullets, baby.
he does suffer from a terrible inferioiirty complex where he needs to verbalize inceesently that circumstance and other people caused him to lose. he loves to put the onus on others in times of trouble. but, still...he's a fuckin great player.
What an interesting exchange of political ideas this was.
well, we know you have zero ot offer, slappy. much like Helmuth, you like to blame others for what you can't bring into the table.
first the babbling, then the stalking. What an asset to the board.
you are repetitive.
All the players you see on espn are babies except for Scotty Nguyen.
Gooch Wrote:you are repetitive.

like your endless stalking and badmouthing of me and galt isnt. i would guess that you reference one of us in almost half your posts.
you seem to have a lot of spare time online. do a count.
i cant count. there, are you happy now?
von, ha ha!

two, ha ha!

three, ha ha!

three times the irony, ha ha!
boo! hiss!
Gooch Wrote:he does suffer from a terrible inferioiirty complex where he needs to verbalize inceesently that circumstance and other people caused him to lose. he loves to put the onus on others in times of trouble. but, still...he's a fuckin great player.

sounds like our gooch.
minus the last 5 words.

on another note, i find this thread dull and ask that you all use your energies in threads i find more interesting. thank you
Please, tell us what threads you like so we can make you happy sire.
the ones where you dont post your moronic drivel
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