Full Version: You ever get so bored that you..
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take one of your dried up piss cakes from the litter box and start playing with it?

It's cheap and easy fun if you are ever bored.
if you use a litter box, you should be put to sleep. learn to use the toilet or go outside like the rest of civilized animals do.
HOW DARE YOU!!!!1!!!
play with the poopie!
DIG is fun.
I can just see you pawing at the screen trying to get at it.

<marquee>[Image: poop.jpg]</marquee>
it looks like ice cream!!!
Arpi is more fun than piss cakes.....

(I'm just gonna start throwing things out, and see if it ends up in his signature)
not this effort
Not only does Adolph play in his own liter box, but loves to play in other cats boxes as well.
you aren't just a Public Enemy,
you are Flava Flav.
no, not really nice at all.
I bet he even has the haggar the horrible helmet.
I wouldn't be surprised.
can we be friends now?
sure, why not. Hiya pal!
If I had balls I would feel the juices rushing back to them, buddy!!!
feel free to live vicariously thru my balls.
mi huevos es su heuvos
Pages: 1 2