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has become the recipient of all my unpure thoughts....

that is all.
<img src="*-http%3A//"/img>

This should help

Why don't the image tags work?
why is it that I only see the text on about half the images on this site?
Not sure why the code doesn't work.
somethings weird with the way the bbcode recognizes the html code
someone must have shut-off BB Code.
Gooch help us.
I never see ANY of Adolphs pics,
and the pics I do see always have the <center> codes visible.
it troubles me.
tequila, i edited your post to use regular html, and unclicked the turn off html code
still aint working
works for me
I can't see it.

I hope others can
BB code is enabled & allowed, I'm not sure what the problem is.
i can't see it either....shows as code.
I just pleasured myself to the html code....
she's THAT fucking hot.
better now.
keyser probably broke it
also, I see everyone's pics - no code at all.
I still don't see it,
what do I gotta do?
I only see the code.

I also see the code for everyones sig pics as well as the pic.
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