it means more to you than it does to me. whatever makes you happy sweetie pie.
How about if you LOSE,
IE come in with just ONE MORE "Bad" vote than "Good" vote... you let Adolph de-mod you and give it to me...
If you win I NEVER make a comment on your posting ability again......
it doesnt bother me that you comment on me, its just a constant reminder of how far under your skin i have crawled.
if you want to be a moderator so badly, ill give you my modship with or without your silly poll. if it really means that much to you.
its such a skill for someone to be able to get under ones skin on the internet...
just like your dignity, it only means something if I take it from you.....
what do you say? We can make it that SIGNED votes only count... to prevent multiple account users sandbagging you.
whatever brings you the joy you lack in your life sweetie. i must take leave of you for now, as it is quitting time at the pizzaria.
Don't run off Keyser....
Let's settle this...
I want to know if you agree to the terms...
I also want you to give me some predictions, so I can hold you accountable to them.....
What ratio of people on this board will say that your stupid ass suck filled posts are BAD as opposed to GOOD?
care to take a stab at prognostication Mr. Poster of the Year 2004?
i just want to know what a pizzaria is
oh sorry, i meant pizzeria.