Full Version: Underworld II
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Pages: 1 2
just saw it. it was ok, i expected more gore.

Ken'sPen Wrote:just saw it. it was ok, i expected more gore.

gore? why the orginal really wasnt gorey? It's more a action movie then a horror gore flick.
Figured Ken was more of a Brokeback Mountain type.
I figure since the first one was such a huge dissapointment.....avoid the sequel.
I enjoyed the first one.
kate has some bangin titties
that she does.
Im a sucker for a whore with an accent.

Im downloading it now.
what release is it? I heard the cam one was pretty shitty.
I dunno there was like 20 of them, I just went for the one with the larger file size and the most seeders/leechers.

I'll let you know when its done.
imma get this one :

I got mine off newnova but the tracker is on

the file size is diff though, that one is about 650mb and the one I am downloading is about 990mb
I trust the pirate bay cause they dont sell IP's to the MPAA or RIAA.
good to know, did they open up the site, cause it used to be a members only type thing.
I've never been a member, so that's news to me.
yeah I wanted to download from there a few months ago and it said membership was closed.

Ken'sPen Wrote:just saw it. it was ok, i expected more gore.


I hope there are lots of titties in this.
got the movie overnight, hopefully I'll be able to watch it tonight after The Shield. based on the sample, it's great for a cam - maVen rules!
Marcus is really her father....
she finds out when his brother the werewolf eats his face off.
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