Full Version: January 23rd - Worst Day of the Year
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It's's science.

Quote:London — Having a bad day? No wonder. According to one scientist, today, Jan. 23, is the gloomiest day of 2006.

Cliff Arnall, a health psychologist at the University of Cardiff in Wales, has devised a formula that combines personal and seasonal factors to calculate the year's emotional low point.

Quote:On paper, the formula looks like this:

W + (D-d) x TQ


M x NA

The variables are (W)eather, (D)ebt, (d) monthly salary, (T)ime since Christmas, time since failure to (Q)uit a bad habit, low (M)otivational levels and (NA), the need to take action.
I was attending Mardi Gras with Fidel Castro
Buxom cross dressers threw fake gold coins at our feet as we discussed the fate of the revolution
Suddenly, CIA men dressed in bikinis tried to stab us with fountain pens
Fidel blew mustard gas from his cigar And immobalized the lot of them
19 tequilas later we had a deal
Havana goes back to the mob and Fidel and I open a chain of Kentucky Fried Chicken shops
Ken, that really happened?
Quote:19 tequilas later

that didn't rhyme
Tequila Wrote:Ken, that really happened?

yes and then me a keyser shared some beers at epcot.