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how awesome was the last 5 minutes of last night's episode?
It was a great build up and a great scene between two supreme actors, well worth it and well done.
I loved the scene when corrine comes to the station and tells vic about kavanaugh. Then he asks what did she tell him about the tuition, then she says "I told him you give us money whenever we need it".

Then he turns away from her and for a few seconds has the most amazing look on his face, it was so great. Basically a mixture of we're fucked, you dumb cunt, I wanna beat the shit out of you, what am I gonna do??!?!?!?!

Then he composes himself again.

Chiklis is an amazing actor.
he really is and the Vic role seems to fit him so well, almost like he was born to play him.

I didn't need to see Shane's ass tho.
Yeah, the scene was good though cause its setting something up. The fact that shane really has no loyalty even if vic and lem did save his ass and the whole reason lem is in this trouble is cause he was saving shane.

But Vic was right, shane is married and has a kid now and that changes things... as you well know mr. I used to be a fun guy and now I am a crabby old man.
I dont think shane will fuck it up, but I think his wife might - if Kav can go after Vic's wife he'll go after shane's - and since it seems like his spot with vic's wife is blown that just might be what happens.

I'm still a fun guy, but I just got a shitload of bad real-life things going on!
I hope not, I cant stand her character. Theres always one actor in a film or a tv show that just ruins it. It's usually a woman too, fuckin cunts.

I hope Tavon comes back and beats her to death.
guess what I got for $20 tonight?

[Image: B000B837Z6.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg]

gettingChristmas gift cards late rules!

ok, I'm goin' to bed now.
bout time
I know, right?
Imagine if in the end it's ronnie that sells them all out. What a huge let down it would be.

The initial shock we be amazing but then it'd settle in... FUCKIN RONNIE!!!! The guy no one has paid attention to for 5 seasons is the guy who took down vic mackey and the strike team.

It'd be horrible, yet wonderful for that split second... like fucking crx.
another week, another kickass episode. Best drama on TV right now, period.
Mackey is workin' his mojo this year...

Right now Kavanaugh thinks Aceveda went all Gonzo and tolerated Mackey's rule breaking.
it looks as if Corrinne is being pushed as a loose end that could cause major problems, but I see Shane and/or his bitch causing bad karma for Vic in the days ahead.
last nights episode was the best since season 3.
I fell asleep at 9:50 last night, someone catch me up.
Corrine is a fuckin cunt whore and women are weak creatures.
Each episode is getting better and better, I can't wait till it finally comes out that Aceveda sucked a dick like a cell bitch.
I'm betting the CI "accidently" gets killed next week.
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