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I saw this "joke" on a website, and I don't get it at all. What am I missing here?

Customer: I don't have a '7' key.
Support: It's between the '6' and '8' key.
Customer: I don't have a '7' key.
Support: Do you see the '1' key?
Customer: Yes.
Support: What's to the right of that?
Customer: '2'
Support: And further right?
Customer: '3', '4', '5', '6'
Support: What's the next key?
Customer: '8'
Support: It should be to the left of the '8'
Customer: Oh, that '7' key?
this thread was made just to prove me wrong, wasnt it
i have no idea what you're talking about, i haven't read the new posts yet
I dont get the joke either.
De-mod him and show him the door or just send his hack ass for reeducation.
That's not nice, it's not like he made the joke.
is it a play on words or something? I read it 5 times and it makes 0 sense.
yea thats what i was wondering too. it probably means nothing, but it still bothers me. i need to know!
I'll bett that's the joke - there really in't one, but it'll make people think there IS one!! Brilliant!
he is typing the number 7 when he says he doesnt have a seven key. you fucking simpletons!!!
AH!. sevenkey!
fucking retards!
god fucking dammit I knew it was a play on something!! FUCK!!!!!!
I was under the impression it was a customer service call.
you people are too stupid live. i am surprised that you remember to breathe!
nevermind, i just read arpis explanation again
change your name to tequila, now!
yea i was under the impression it was a phone call too
Arpi why dont you change your name to "waste of fucking oxygen"
Tequila Wrote:Arpi why dont you change your name to "waste of fucking oxygen"

too long
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