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hmmmm....sarcastic wiseass asshole remark or serious reply? decisions, decisions,.....

Since it's gonz, I'll be serious. AAS and BS in Computer Science. Worked 15 years doing shit work for shit companies and shit people. The best job to date had to be working as an Oracle DBA for a media company in their R&D division. It was a techie think tank ran by a genius of a manager (and I mean that sincerely) who was also a beer drinking, cigar smokin, tattooed harley davidson biker. I learned more shit about broadcast and media from him than you can ever ever imagine.

Now I work for this little non-profit organization in Harlem as an internal Technical advisor. I basically tell them what they should implement, how they should implement it and how much they should spend it. My time is spent (other than on the board) researching new technology and meeting with vendors and staff members. It's a great job, but like I said - it took me 15 years to get here. No matter what you do, ya got to pay your dues. There is no free lunch people. Don't let people fool you into thinking there is.

My primary care physician ordered a colonoscopy for me a few years back and soonest I could get an apointment was 2 months later.

[Image: colon.jpg]

ok, so I just wanted to show everyone the inside of my colon... Is that so wrong?
I graduated University of Wisconsin with a degree in Business Applied Computer Science and to be honest with you I don't believe I am an further along or behind in my career if I hadn't gone to school. But hey all the drinking, drugs and sex while I went to school was worth it.

I have recently taken over our computer repair depot and logistics operations for all of our US and European contracts. Staff of 65, lots of headaches, lot's of travel but it beats living on the streets.

But seeing as I'm one of those asshole bosses Gonz, you don't want any advise from me.
You had a tube up your but?
I'm a pimp. I got my degree from the great Rev. Dr. Don "Magic" Juan, in Pimpology. I love my job. The hours are flexible, the pay is great and beating up hookers is really rewarding. Oh, and let us not forget the uniform... what other job encourages you to wear a pink velour jumpsuit to work?
Quote:You had a tube up your but?
FIVE feet of it.
Quote:what other job encourages you to wear a pink velour jumpsuit to work?
Working in a sport cycling shop?
Barch can take five feet of rubber in the kester......You still don't have Ladi beat. Smile
Quote:what other job encourages you to wear a pink velour jumpsuit to work?
Quote:Working in a sport cycling shop?
Actually jerkass, that brings up my other job. I work part time in a bicycle shop, and NO, I don't wear a pink velour jumpsuit to work. I get to dress in whatever I want. Which is usually lavendar tights with a ginny tee and flip flops.
Quote:Actually jerkass, that brings up my other job. I work part time in a bicycle shop, and NO, I don't wear a pink velour jumpsuit to work. I get to dress in whatever I want. Which is usually lavendar tights with a ginny tee and flip flops.
Stop, your going to get Ken all hot and bothered.
No OAS I am just trying to think of what qualified as a computer back when you went to school.
pile of rocks, or did they have the abacus?

Me, I am a Great Adventure weight guesser.
I thought you were the guy who tried too hard to make teh funney

Edited By Doc on April 05 2002 at 12:48
I dispense Pez candies from my neck anytime someone yanks on my really makes people sick.
Didn't my last post prove it???
But that is a hobby not an occupation.
hey beckster.... is that annoying cunt still sucking her teeth?
I spent some time at S.V.A., majoring in fine arts, but, got cold feet about becoming a starving artist.

Right now, I am self employed and working at home doing medical billing.

Currently I am doing an apprentice/internship with a dog trainer here in NY.
I may further this by going back to school to study ethology.
So Luna, what trick do I teach to get you to bark like a dog? :o
Quote:So Luna, what trick do I teach to get you to bark like a dog? :o

Hardy har har HAR! :p
OAS gives us old horny guys a bad name.
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