I'm just really getting sick and tired of
being harrassed by homeless people everywhere I go. I've never appreciated Guiliani's crack down on the homless more. I can't go two blocks without at least one homeless person asking me for change. And if you ignore them, they get INSULTED! "Hey! Hey buddy! I'm talking to you!" Well, fuck you!
ATM's on the street! Not in a nice secure little room at the front of the bank, but in the wall of the bank, right on the street. With a homeless person camped out next to every single one. Yeah, i really like withdrawing money with a homeless person sitting on the ground next to the machine. And it's not like I've got a choice, they're next to EVERY SINGLE MACHINE IN THE CITY!
going to resteraunts alone. Is there anything more annoying than asking for a table for one and getting "just one?" No, there's an invisible person here who will be joining me, but she doesn't eat much.
poeple walking into me. Constantly. This city is a pick-pockets dream. I check my wallet every few steps. I mean, I walk in a perfectly straight line down the center of the sidewalk (footpath, CRX

) and people still walk into me like they didn't see me. Like I'm hard to miss. Don't know how they drive without crashing into each other constantly if this is how they walk. Can't tell you how tempted I am to just start throwing shoulder blocks and knock 'em all on their "arses".
Quote:No, there's an invisible person here who will be joining me, but she doesn't eat much.
Say that next time! :lol:
Quote:This city is a pick-pockets dream. I check my wallet every few steps.
Maybe the want you to check for it, then the follow-up guy knows what pocket to go for.
Ladi......you are brilliant. And Arthur....I'd watch out for Ladi out there.
Quote:Maybe the want you to check for it, then the follow-up guy knows what pocket to go for.
That's why I don't put my hand IN my pocket to check. Just brush my hand over both front pockets.
And a hint for those who carry wallet: Put a comb in the fold of your wallet. The comb is a little longer than your wallet and will snag on the inside of your pocket and you'll feel it.
One I don't use: Wrap a couple of fat rubberbands around your wallet. The extra friction will tug on your pocket the same way.
Of course, it's very hard to stop a pro. They'll slice your pocket open and take it out the bottom and stuff like that. You just have to know their tricks and watch for them.
I think I stopped one once just because I stopped and looked at the second guy before he made the attempt. One guy bumped me and when I looked the other guy in the eye, he got a guilty look and walked on. Guess I'll never know for sure.
Watch for the kid in the top hat, the Dodger they call him.
He's the best.
Anyone see the Jim Rose Circus? (If no, you should look for it & go! Crazy!)
Went to that once and they had a sign outside saying "beware of Pickpockets." After the show they explained that was to get people to touch their wallet pocket. As a warning, not that they were gonna nick everyone's stuff right there.
Forgot one.
UK toilets. They flush different, so that most of the time they leave behind a floater and you have to wait around for the tank to refill and flush it again. Really annoying.
Quote:sidewalk (footpath, CRX)
i never really had any of these experiences myself. and i've definitely used atms that are in little rooms that you had to swipe your card to get in to.
In London or in the suburbs?
Took a train through the suburbs. Went to Portsmout Harbor. The suburbs remind me of Central Jersey or Long Island. Very nice.
And I tried the Double Decker. Very good. Made by Cadbury, so I'm suprised they're not sold in the U.S.
i lived in the suburbs, but only about 40 minutes from london so i went there quite a lot. to be honest, i can't remember needing to take out money but i'm sure there are atms inside, i guess you just have to know where to find them, i know for sure that the banks in my town had indoor atms. the homeless thing though is a million times worse in paris, and to a lesser extent brussels and probably any other city that has a large number of gypsies. i arrived in paris once, and at the money exchange this woman with a baby (they all have babies) starts begging me for money. now, this is while i'm standing in line to get money, and of course the dumb bitch couldn't get it through her stupid skull that we didn't have any french currency. and you can't ignore them, she started poking me and sticking her hand out, i thought my b/f was gonna punch her in the face. but, no, i never really encountered rude homeless people in london. and that was my rant, thank you have a nice day...
i've never seen more homeless people before in my life, including New York City in the mid 80's than I did last year in San Francisco. as far as being harrassed by homeless people, any kind of trouble they give me can't compare what it must be like to be in their shoes. i always throw then a buck if I have it, alot of people think im a sucker for doing it but i really have a sore spot for homeless. i dont care if they were responsible for getting themselves in that position or if they dont even try and get a job, they are still in a rut and its unfortunate.
Edited By Keyser Soze on April 06 2002 at 5:24
i hate when the homeless people come up to you in a fast food drive-thru. they do that alot here in newark. i used to open for them and give them a dollar, but its always the same people. so now i keep the window closed and i'm just like 'what, i can't here you, sorry.' it seems to work, but they're quite pushy.
I hate to say this, but I agree with Keyser. I get harassed by homeless people everyday, and I don't mind it a bit because I know its what they have to do to make ends meet. Just be glad you are not in their shoes rather than complaining about people much less fortunate then you.
just say "jesus loves you"
that always scares them away.
I, like The Sleeper, see a lot of homeless people and they don't really bother me that much. I don't give to all of them but i give some of them a dollar or so for various reasons. Also, I refuse to give homeless people with signs "I am HIV positive" money. I don't really feel one way or another about them.
Quote:I get harassed by homeless people everyday, and I don't mind it a bit because I know its what they have to do to make ends meet. Just be glad you are not in their shoes rather than complaining about people much less fortunate then you.
Ever see the 20/20 or 60 minutes episode where something happened to this old homeless lady that pushed a shopping cart full of all of her belongings? She either went into the hospital or something. Anyway, they took all of her belongings from said shopping cart and sorted it out in the holding area, looking for her identity, next of kin and such. In that homeless, begiing for a buck, women's shopping cart, they found somewhere in the neighborhood of 27 or 47 thousand dollars.
The show went on to feature several homeless people who beg for change at red lights to forcing their window cleaning services on passenger cars. They were estimating that in a single season, these people were raking in like 20 grand.
Before you people continue to hand out spare change, out of guilt, I'd suggest you look up on these news shows websites for a 3 dollar transcript or a 20 dollar VHS copy of this show. It will definitely change your outlook, on a whole.
I do, however, understand that there are a certain percentage of homeless people that really do have it bad as well.
Always the cynic aren't you? Well, does it really matter how much they possess since I'm only making myself feel better by giving them change? <font color="EEEEEE">
Edited By The Sleeper on April 07 2002 at 11:48
Quote:Always the cynic aren't you? Well, does it really matter how much they possess since I'm only making myself feel better by giving them change?
Nice callback.
And at least you have come to terms with
why you are doing it. {

To be honest, I completely agree with that point of view and have thought that way even before I saw you use the same rhetoric. I cannot think of anything I do that doesn't at least somewhat benefit me mentally, physically, or otherwise.
I see and have to deal with the homeless going to work in the morning. And i gotta tell you it's not that bad anymore. I can remember about 10 years ago that every subway train was full of homeless men and women and even children. But now you dont see them as often. Sure you get your occasional "Spare Change Guy" walking through the train. But i just turn the walkman up louder and it drowns him out. And no i dont give money to them. The last time i did was last Christmas Eve on the way home from work. Yeah i know that's the best day to get all the suckers. Just thank god your not in their shoes 24/7.