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Quote:One word replies and pointless posting is the only rule that I can trully set forward as a Board no-no.
I loved what Hybrid did in the carol thread, I just hated all that the thread itself stood for. For the same reason I hated spoo along with many others. I will admit Carol was what bought Hyrbid to the top of quality, funny and fresh posters. But there were many factors in my hate for carol and her thread.
Quote:I am a tool that likes to play dumb games. Comedy Gold Mine.
gonzo is my new god
Quote:pop rocks make a fizzing sound when you put them in soda.
How do you top that?
The Carol Thread was the apex in the existence of I have re-read that thread more times that I can count. Even more that my baseball predictions, my posts in that thread being deleted make me very sad.
It was that thread, that made me bond with YellowDiscipline and Hybrid especially. It was the single greatest week of posting that I ever witnessed on a messageboard.
Every thread with Hybrid is good times, don't fret little one. It was not the appex it was just a small taste of things to come. I know personally from my experience that people like hybrid can not be contained to a single thread. He like I just spread like genital warts at and Shelle post Brother Joe gigs.
i am genital warts. sweeeeeet.
I would like to point out to certain folks (namely Gonzo and Galt) that your posts are still available for perusal.
I'm actually surprised noone remembers this glitch.
Go to a thread you posted in, click the reply button, and the reply page loads all posts in the thread.. EVEN POSTS MADE BY DELETED ACCOUNTS.. sig pics and all.
Just wanted to share that.
Carol thread apex??? Where were you during "A Day in the Life" ???
God I feel like such an old fogey talking about WWII to kids going of to vietnam lmao
(sorry.. had no clue where this topic was really at.. just read the first and last pages)
Quote:Carol thread apex??? Where were you during "A Day in the Life" ???
Memories..... in the corner of my mind.....
magus, the carol thread was locked, so you cant do the reply trick. so all of galt/oaawite's posts are lost forever.
not really.. I could unlock it.....
please unlock it. i wont top it, i promise.
it can be topped...after all, it doesnt have 1000 posts anymore.only 857
i would do anything so that donotkidme doesnt have the last post :angry:
exactly...we can bring it back to 1000 with a real poster
btw, magoo, my status isnt what i asked for, but good enough, finally
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