Full Version: Nothing on earth is more uncomfortable than...
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we got a lot of that going around here, hence why we dont have fascinating discussions like IMDB.
it's a good thing I'm not a member there, I'd be draggin' them down.
Adolf Wrote:having a bunch of guys talk about women and there being one guy who everyone knows is not just kinda gay but so obviously gay you can smell the cum on his breath. Yet even with the lisp, flamboyant hand gestures and silk scarf around his neck, he tries to act like one of the guys and talk about how much he loves pussy.

NOTHING is worse than that.

nobody believes you would be willing to get your ass kicked by me,
if you actually did touch Coppi.......

and you are right, the charade is tiresome.
are you arguing over a bitch with a cat, on the internet?
my eyes are welling up with tears of joy.
but seriously, hes arguing over a chick he never met, not even online, who is in atlanta... not with a man but with a cat!

what the fuck ken!
GonzoStyle Wrote:are you arguing over a bitch with a cat, on the internet?

pussy will be the downfall of us all.
especially if you're sticking fingers in peoples asses in the middle of the street.
actually, that wasn't so bad.
next time you try to shake my hand, don't be offended.
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