has made me retarded, I actually was trying to argue with someone in real life and in the middle I froze up and started to drool.
I give up arguing on the internet, its bad for business.
I am in a state of understanding and love from now on, after I demod keyser of course.
fuckin assholes drove the cat insane, thanks alot dicks.
get rid of the fat nigger in your avater. i'm tired of looking at that heap of compost.
did you just give me an order?
did he just call biggie a heap of compost?
hey keyser, now you know how the rest of us feel when arguing with you.
I remember Keyser use to have the "Arguing on the Internet..." retard sig.
stop staring at my shiney metal pendant
GonzoStyle Wrote:so did grumpy, OH!!!
if people keep talking about him, he's gonna come back - STOP IT!!!
your keyboard to gods email.
Quote:if people keep talking about him, he's gonna come back
if only!!!
all you need to do is release him from the cells, i've already extended the invitiation.
goat doesnt want the competition of stalking board women, hes got enough with ken.
hah - I hadnt thought of that angle, but it works.