Full Version: Keyser's rule breaking
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it IS a conspiracy.
he has become a CDIH emergency.
forgive, but never forget.
Keyser Soze Wrote:forgive, but never forget.

despite the popular view of the board that action should be taken,
apparently I have to forget, but I won't forgive.
see that girl!!!! watch that scene!!! dig in the dancing queen!!!!
it's all fun for you.....
but I now have utter lack of faith in the integrity of polls on this board,
and probably will not post another.
Keyser Soze Wrote:see that girl!!!! watch that scene!!! dig in the dancing queen!!!!

i know abba, and you sir are no abba.
Ken'sPen Wrote:it's all fun for you.....
but I now have utter lack of faith in the integrity of polls on this board,
and probably will not post another.

first the return of gonzo,
then the highest number of members logged in,
and now this

complete and utter success!!!!
Ken'sPen Wrote:I now have utter lack of faith in the integrity of polls on this board, and probably will not post another.

if only thats true, I am dancin a fuckin jig.
revel in your actions,
it shows the members how "sorry" you really are for your actions.....

I hope you keep your nose clean cause the next strike, and..... you'll be up to 3 strikes...
and then after a couple more strikes, then you'll REALLY be in trouble mister.
the members arent whining. you are.
nobody is whining....
but based on that poll,
it would seem that most members, like me, have found you unfit for duty......

but I guess those results will be changing soon,
Keyser Soze Wrote:the members arent whining. you are.

the members have shown in a poll that they all think you should be punished. your argument is weak and false.
you dont care what the members want, you just can't get off my delicious cock.
I ALWAYS care what the members want.....

and I deliver baby.
this board thrived in your absence. since your return, the place has dwindled in active posters.
I defy you to back that up.

I would be willing to bet activity on most measurable statistics has improved.
Keyser Soze Wrote:this board thrived in your absence. since your return, the place has dwindled in active posters.

that is complete bunk. afternoon after afternoon had sometimes zero posts till the evening.
keyser is like a drowning man grabbing at any flotsam he can find.
the number of active posters has decreased, its the arpi, ken and keyser show since his return.

ken doesnt come here and post like i have actively everyday for the past 4 years, dont come here and tell me who cares more about this place and its members, i dont come to the doors board and tell them im gods gift to whatever they call that godforsaken shithole.
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