Full Version: Hi danked!
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Whats up dood? How you feelin tonight?
Are you talking to me?
what did danked do to deserve the honour of a personal hi?
Hello Dankypoo Smile
Hi Danked. Interrogation at 2200 hours and breakfast is at 0530. I recommend finding someone to bring soap on a rope in for you. If you can't find soap on a rope....well....hang on to that bar o' Zest real tight come shower time.
How was your evening?
hey danked.
Heya Dankypoo. Wink
You guys sure know how to make a stoner feel paranoid.
fuck you, danked

someone had to say it...
So far I think fbdlingfrg is the only one that really cares about me.
i hate you danked. please jump off of a building.
I now have two, count them, TWO FU threads! Beat that, bitches!

Edited By Danked on April 06 2002 at 1:48
Hey Danked, I'm about to roll up, care to join me?
Hi Maynard. Absolutely.
Hey again. I just got home and I'm not really tired. I was just smoking a joint and thought, "heh, I bet everyone else is sleeping".
Yes, I was sleeping, but hey. I'm awake now.
Fuckin Maynard...Kissin up to all the stoners, and leavin his pal Sluggo out.

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