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Ken'sPen Wrote:Keyser,
was bush telling the truth when he recently cited a thwarted terrorist attack on Los Angeles?

Jack Bauer stopped the threat before it could happen. Score one for the good guys.
Quote:I disagree with you there....
intelligence should be run in a bi partisan way.

Let the report be issued, then spin it however you want... but putting pressure on agents to slant a report to match policy is VERY wrong.

your assertion has no basis in fact. i agree, issue the report, until then you're assuming.

was bush telling the truth when he recently cited a thwarted terrorist attack on Los Angeles?

he cited a thwarted attack. where is the lie?
was there really an attack to thwart?

the bushies invent things all the time in their war on terror....
remember bush and Condi's claim that 2/3 or Al Queda leadership was captured or killed?
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