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My senior buddy and I ditched our suck-ass dates to watch the LA Kings lose to the Montreal Canadiens for the Stanley Cup with our other buddy's date. He was passed out, my buddy who was watching with me went down to the pool, and I got busy with my buddy's date while he quietly dozed in a drunken stupor. Life was good was real good then.
Quote:My senior buddy and I ditched our suck-ass dates to watch the LA Kings lose to the Montreal Canadiens for the Stanley Cup with our other buddy's date. He was passed out, my buddy who was watching with me went down to the pool, and I got busy with my buddy's date while he quietly dozed in a drunken stupor. Life was good was real good then
Thats because Ronald McDonald gets All the chicks.
All this talk of proms brought up another great memory.
I never went to my own prom, because i went to a public school In the bronx, and I probably would have been beaten to death.
But my girlfriend went to a nice, catholic, all-girls school, so I went to hers.
After the prom, we drove around with In our super-fancy Lincoln continental limo. We ended up at Pelham bay park, and i ended up having sex with her on top of the stairs at the running track (when they were still there). Very romantic.
Probably the summer between graduating high school and starting college was the most fun I can remember having. One day, a bunch of us really had nothing to do, so we jumped in my friend's truck and headed off to Cape Cod for the day, which was only about an hours drive. Just spent all day driving around the Cape, hitting on waitresses, making fun of the old and deformed.....ahhh, it was a blast!! Got back just in time to go watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show. That in itself became a weekly event for us.....get blitzed and go see the Show.

That and the night of our graduation from high school. A local organization gave the senior class an all night party. No drinking, no drugs, but it was probably the best 12 hours I spent with my friends, reminiscing and looking forward.

Now, they're already starting to organize our 20th reunion. It will never be like it was, but gah damn, it will be great to see some of those people again.
Mine are the same way, the best times aren't anything special, just being with friends

I think one of the greatest times I ever had was during the fall of 1999. My two best friends and I had all gotten jobs doing tech support at this company on campus. No one ever called, I mean no one...we got 2 calls in like 6 months, so the job was incredibly boring. So what did we do at this job, we got stupid. The schedule worked out so that one of us was supposed to be there between 5 pm Friday and 8 am Sunday. When one of us had to go to work, the other two would join him later to hang out. Sometimes we'd watch movies, have races down the halls in the rolling chairs, take pictures of stupid things with the web cam the was on the company's website, talk to random people in Instant Messanger and act like we're all ghetto, then send a picture of "yourself" that's actually a 55 year old guy who works at the company. Like I said, we got stupid.
None of us had girlfriends, so we didn't have much in the way of responsibilities. We would drive to Atlanta on a whim so that we could eat a hot dog at a baseball game (the Mets were playing the Braves and one of the guys was a Mets fan). We drove to one guy's house that was being constructed and made plans for where the keg was going to go at the eventual pool party we would have there.

It was truely the best time of my life

We're still all friends, but we're all graduating this year, one is moving to Florida for his job, we all have jobs and girlfriends so we can't just leave for three days for no reason. That was just a time of total freedom from everything.

I just wish I would have known it then. I mean, I knew at the time that it was fun, but I don't think I quite understood that it would be one of the greatest times of my life. I guess it's just human nature that only in retrospect do we see our greatest joys and greatest sorrows.
well i guess most of my best times are the times i spend with you idiots every time we go out, the old parties were more fun (sorry)
as ive said, ive met some of the most important people in my live at these stupid board parties

away from board events id have to say prom weekend was pretty great, even though the man i spent it with is an asshole

my junior prom weekend was pretty fun too

i think every time me and shelle hang out its always an adventure
I can reply to this post with one word

<marquee>HONEYMOON</marquee> <table style=filter:glow(color=red)></table>
Snuka...making sex...with a WOMAN?

Quote:Snuka...making sex...with a WOMAN?


LOL! Yeah go figure. Rolleyes
For me the first weekend with my buddies at the Jersey Shore. A weekend of drinking and music and just being really stupid. I was 18 at the time. Now i'd be asleep by 11 pm.

Second would be the night i graduated from high school. A couple of kegs and all the people i really never saw again after that night.
Quote:I just wish I would have known it then. I mean, I knew at the time that it was fun, but I don't think I quite understood that it would be one of the greatest times of my life.

Actually, you are very fortunate that that thought never crossed your mind. Had it crossed your mind at the time, you would have tried too hard to make it even more perfect, and that would have ruined it.
damn you and your logic
Quote:damn you and your logic

I think that Anthony Zinni would take that as a compliment. {Smile}
Quote:Actually, you are very fortunate that that thought never crossed your mind. Had it crossed your mind at the time, you would have tried too hard to make it even more perfect, and that would have ruined it.
Theres that fucking enigma that Maynard loves so...
Quote:I think that Anthony Zinni would take that as a compliment.
A 3 week old reference...I'm disappointed, tsk tsk
Quote:A 3 week old reference...I'm disappointed, tsk tsk
Look on the bright side, at least it wasn't an AIM joke. <font color="EEEEEE">

Edited By The Sleeper on April 12 2002 at 9:24
At my age you think I could come up with something. :confused:
Quote:Look on the bright side, at least it wasn't an AIM joke.

damn, Sleeper, I can't believe you didn't work a "sooooo" into that reply. You're slipping!

Quote:Theres that fucking enigma that Maynard loves so...

It's not an enigma, it's just that I think on a different level than everyone else...
Quote:It's not an enigma, it's just that I think on a different level than everyone else...

Lower level?
Quote:Lower level?

Pipe down, Grandpa.

I don't want you messing your shorts.
Don't you mean DEPENDS????:firebounce: :firebounce:
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