Full Version: What happend to shortnfugly?
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I find it ironic that he was so wrapped up in his anonymity.
ie "why does it matter who I was, just accept me for someone who once posted here, and now has a new identity"

it doesn't matter,
it doesn't matter
it doesn't matter.....

but as soon as the cat is out of the bag,
he stops coming back.....

I was looking forward to running this screen name off the board too.
You're such a bad boy.
I havent been paying attention. Who was it ?
you and tequila have more in common than just your damp back.
yet they both claim to be Italians
who said I disappeared? and what cat are you talking about? If you're talking about the indication of me being grumpy, that's about as correct as the remainder of my lovely status. Nickelback?

I've been busy. Unlike some of people, my life does not revolve around the internet, I actually have a life outside of the internet. It's called a business to run.

and why would you want to "run my screenname off this board"? Did I do something to offend you? Of are you just tired of bouting with Keyser and need a new opponent? If so, please look elsewhere. You'll be wasting your time with me.
you're not grumpy just like i'm not dig
I'm amazed at the idiot thought patterns that emerges from some of you.

CM - I'm lost in your analogy but if it pleases you, then please enjoy yourself.
fugly, your IP has been outed. you are grumpy.

you sucked before, you suck now, and we are all too bored with you to get excited about the idea of having ken and me run you off again.
just leave and save us the trouble.

When are we going to buy boredplanet and have some real fun?
Like you needed an IP match to figure out it was grumpy.
Galt Wrote:When are we going to buy boredplanet and have some real fun?

if you weren't such an unconscionable adamant prick, I'd have given you modship for the weekend. i like a good wreck like any other.
my registration there has been denied twice.
I have been banned and deleted at least twice.

It sure seems like a swell place to go. Oh how I wish I could be a mod
I'm sure we can make room for it if need be.
when we have, I shall know my quest is over.
I'm upset that was never offered.
GonzoStyle Wrote:when we have, I shall know my quest is over.

DIG is supposed to have been working on that for a while now.
I bet he's in disguise and currently moving up in the ranks. Soon he'll deliver his final blow.
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