Full Version: What is cheating? - Give us your definition, cleetus!
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I hate you now Jackie....:fuckoff:
:loveya: you know you love me :loveya: :blow:
maybe...I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me

you forgot :toast: Confusedmokey: and :fucking:
Rape Fantasizer said:
Quote:If I am with someone and he wants to fuck someone else, go ahead, just tell me, as long as the emotion isn't there. hell, bring her home and we'll both enjoy her.

Gah damn, is this place the greatest place on earth or what? :bouncer: :bouncer:
this is all I have to say in response to Jackie.........:hail:
i should probably put something here, or i could just let your imaginations run wild......:fucking:
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