Full Version: I went to school here!
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I went to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade here. Lived about a mile away and used to ride my bike back and forth everyday. One time I got the infamous "paddle" by the principal. That fucking paddle hurt so bad my ass was numb after the first blow (I think the standard was 3 or 4 whacks). My 4th grade teacher was hockey great's Pat LaFontaine's cousin (Mr. LaFontaine - had a real thick mustache). It was awesome fun!

Dr. Phillips Eagle's are the best in every way! Hurray!
In junior high I had this pathetic fuck for a gym teacher, he apparently was signed by some NFL team and played like a total of 10 minutes over the course of 3 games and then never played again. He made sure to remind us about it constantly, I don't even remember his name, I just remember that he looked like "Jaws" from that awful James Bond movie with Roger Moore.