Full Version: Remember the scene in kill bill
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Pages: 1 2
three stars!
the nancy sinatra song is the highlight
The highlight is the instrumental song when Uma is punching her way out of the coffin.

5 stars!
sin city is 5 stars
I have Battle without Honor or Humanity on my ipod,
but not as a ringtone....

it makes me think of Seph.
tarantino soundtracks always rock
cameron crowe generally has good soundtracks as do most john cusack movies.
I have Weapon of Choice as my ringtone.

I sometimes do a little Walken dance when someone calls me... and no one else is around.
GonzoStyle Wrote:tarantino soundtracks always rock

Jackie Brown destroys your thesis
Galt Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:tarantino soundtracks always rock

Jackie Brown destroys your thesis

The movie sucked but the soundtrack was good, not great but good.
Pages: 1 2