and I have a question I don't see any of my posts from section 8 i can't link them to the board wiki site
All Section 8 posts and Faggy Artistic posts got accidently deleted about a year ago.
I liked the thread about how black people are different than white people.
fags and blacks always get a raw deal.
You are not serious can one of the admins confirm this and please let me know why i was not told
im really sorry, will 40 acres and a mule do?
No I want an explanation not reparations
They werent accidently deleted, I deleted them on purpose instead of moving them. I didn't think anyone would care and I was pretty much right.
Part of the systematic deletion of the board before the end. BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH
DIG myseriously "disappeared" after he first uncovered this conspiracy of the board's imminent demise; how long before Manson stops posting?
was it when you were snorting heroin or when you took down or whatever the fuck you did 4 years ago when you were relevant?
the evidence is overwelming
That the you couldn't perform a simple task like take down wackbag.
i think it is terrible how you all treat gonzo.
just an observation.
you don't have to get so bitchy about it!