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GonzoStyle Wrote:
Galt Wrote:I'm going to Amsterdam in less than a month.

Hopefully I'm staffed before that because if not, then I can't do drugs for fear of new drug testing.

I can't picture you even smoking weed, you seem too health concious, you were pissed that alkey and I were smoking around you and "it's gonna ruin my skin!!!".

How is smoking weed bad for you? Name one person who has ever OD'd on pot or gotten sick from it? In fact it's the complete opposite. Pot CURES FUCKING CANCER!
Galt Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Galt Wrote:I'm going to Amsterdam in less than a month.

Hopefully I'm staffed before that because if not, then I can't do drugs for fear of new drug testing.

I can't picture you even smoking weed, you seem too health concious, you were pissed that alkey and I were smoking around you and "it's gonna ruin my skin!!!".

How is smoking weed bad for you? Name one person who has ever OD'd on pot or gotten sick from it? In fact it's the complete opposite. Pot CURES FUCKING CANCER!

It's a gateway drug maaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
cook for yourself. It's doubly effective. You won't put in the oils, fats, and preservatives that you get in other prepared foods, plus you can control your portions.

And bitches love guys who can cook.

You should also throw up after every meal.
It will be a gateway to me doing shrooms until time stops
I did that for a while, throwing up after my meals but I stopped when I was starting to get the urge to throw up automatically, I got scared.
Galt Wrote:It will be a gateway to me doing shrooms until time stops

As long as you don't have any forks around you, all will be fine (INSIDE JOKE)!!!
Ohhh, and me without my wiki login to expand on the entry that was created by you (INSIDE JOKE!!!)

But seriously folks, for some reason, my skin is oily. It's actually pretty gross. I'm thinking its a good thing. I do all the Patrick Bateman stuff with washing my face, cleansing it, using some burning cream on it in the shower, and then moisturizing, but every afternoon, I have to wipe my face off with a brown Cosi napkin and it looks like that rag St. Veronica wiped Jesus' face with
But seriously, I log on for 20 minutes and the place starts booming!!!

My ego has been satisfied for the day.
ive been going to the gym 4 nights a week for 7 weeks straight. i run 3 miles for 30 minutes and lift for about an hour and a half. i feel 1000 times better than i did end of last year after stuffing my face through thanksgiving and christmas. it sucked dragging my ass to the gym the first 2 weeks but after that i actually look forward to it. i think exercise is the toughest part to get started. diet came along naturally. i just pick up some chicken, steak, pork chops, and vegetables and some low fat marinades and make myself a meal every other night. sometimes ill have a salad instead. pick up a bunch of clif bars to snack on, they're like fucking candy. try to eat throughout the day, every 2-3 hours. carrots, celery sticks, whatever. lots of water, 4-6 glasses and vitamins. i feel more energetic, more awake and i sleep a lot better since.
Pure Protein Bars (chocolate chip and smores) are a billion times better (tasting and for you) than Cliff Bars
As are Uturn and Detour bars.
ive tried all those, i just happen to like clif better. i used to like U-Turn and Detour but got sick of them.
does sobbing burn calories?
god, i hope so.
I hope Galt hides a dollar for me to find in Amsterdam.
Ohhh, treasure hunt!
Beyond any other beers you try and whether or not you like Heineken, I encourage you to try a glass on tap from any bar you can find. You'll love it.

Also look for anyone serving LaChouffe which is a Belgian ale and is absolutely delicious although I prefer their brown ale, McChouffe.
do they serve Zima?
sorry I wasnt around, I had to stay home (more family issues to deal with YAY ME!!)
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