Full Version: :Sadface:
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I'd make him my bitch, and then I'd have him change all the bulbs in my house.
I got your back!
He better not just screw in light bulbs. He better set up your computer to be wired to all your fixtures, and program special mood settings that you can select and engage at the sound of your voice.
I already have that. He can change the backyard (YOU CALL THAT A YARD?!?!?!) bulb though, it's all the way at the top of the house.
his mr. fantastic like fingers will reach it with ease.
i would have that shit heel cowering in a puddle of his own urine.
stoners are easy marks.
there are no winners in this battle
pretty pathetic viewing
we'll be the pre-card at Gooch's UFC party.
i'd drink a Mudslide to that!
I shit myself pretty bad yesterday, it was allover the place.
Eat better and your dumps won't slide out.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I shit myself pretty bad yesterday, it was allover the place.

still having trouble aiming for the sink?
I figured it was one of those "eh I can hold it for a minute" then I sneezed and shit just everywhere, dripping down my leg, just awful.
were you at work?
and where's the pix?
No, at home. My battery on my camera phone has been dying out very quickly for the past few weeks. Theres some great pics I missed out on taking cause the battery was too low to start the camera.
sure sure, and you didn't fuck Grk.
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