Full Version: If I was a dollar...
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Pages: 1 2
where in Gonzostyle's apartment would I be hiding?
his ass crack? do i win a $1??
Hint - Not in any DVDs.
I hate you
the 99 cent menu is not going to help you lose weight.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I hate you
I leave you a surprise dollar and this is how you show your appreciation?
Is it under a bar of soap?
No, I'd want him to find it. Duh.
Hint #2 - HedCold might know so he can't guess.
I love the fact that Eddie is going to be so distracted at work for the rest of day thinking about how I could have managed this and where it is.
i so know!
Pizza Club?
in adolf's litter box
If it's not in that fuckin book, I will burn it and you!
id like to smoke danked's ashes.
Danked Wrote:Huzzah!

I have been so busy I only got to about page 170 of the book, I now wanna fuckin ditch work to go and see.

I swear I will murder you if it's not there!!!
Gee... hope it didn't fall out then.
I hope you wrote "dollar" on one of the pages' margins.

That would be awesome.
Pages: 1 2