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i'll give you 30% ownership rights
Just an opinion, if you feel that all the people participating will pay up their 20 bucks over half a year from now (if they are still even here), when they wouldnt even mail a cd, then by all means I am in.

But I will only participate if there's a guarantee of some sort that everyone will pay up when the league is over, I don't feel it will be fair for some people to pay in and others not too.
i agree with pay in advance...all the time, people just decide to stop caring halfway through the season, and then wont pay. if we dont pay first, we may as well not pay at all
thats my point, this way there is a guarantee since everyone will pay in beforehand.
pay up bitches!
lets see if we can get 10 people, I see about 4 so far.
cheap fucks...its 20 bucks!!!
you need to get permission from jack, he's your master now.
that sounds so hot
Back to second place, Eddie...

I'll do the cash thinger.
go back to paltalk, give me my moment!!!
on his rare posting occaison, i'd like to thank alkey for giving me elton brand for free, and basically handing over the basketball season to me
i have no problem paying, just tell me how to do it.
I think best bet would be for us to first have 10 people join the fantasy league and all those who join are willing to ante up the 20 bucks, once we have 10 people in the league, then everyone chips in their 20.
You should draft Jonny Gomes and Chris Young.
you should put your money where your mouth is.
how would he eat?
we need one more team
Gooch Wrote:you should put your money where your mouth is.

I have my money invested in plenty of leagues where

a) people will actually pay up if they lose


b) people actually log into the league after the draft.
cought up $20 you cheap fuck.
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